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High unemployment or lack of experience are not definite obstacles for a graduate in finding a job. The biggest challanges often come when graduates do not know how to effectively search for a job, or are not courageous enough to do things differently. Read our tips and learn how to rid yourselves of the "on the dole" label!
1. Moderate your demands and focus on smaller companies
After graduating, it is no shame to start with a "junior" job in any company operating in the field you have chosen. Your duties may comprise dealing with phone calls or more menial tasks at the beginning. However, you can arrange with your employer a process that will allow you to try and assist all departments of the company in order to better understand the way the company functions. Using initiative and being willing to learn new things is always appreciated.
It is natural that the chances of a graduate getting a job increase if they do not show distain for a not so well-paid job, and are not afraid to move locations because of the job. All steps taken in order to achieve experience will pay off sooner or later.
2. Learn another language
Do not underestimate your language skills. English is the basic language in IT, trade or in services, and speaking German as a second language is a great advantage. In large multinational companies, languages such as Russian, Spanish, French, or even Japanese and Chinese come in handy too.
In case you need to be fluent and active in your communication, the best that you can do is to spend some time abroad. Daily use of the particular language will be the best teacher.
3. Participate in personal development courses or find some unpaid experience
Valuable experience can be obtained through unpaid opportunities. You can be sure that there are plenty around. Most companies will be happy to use an unpaid assistant. Select a company that is of your interest and apply for the placement yourself. The advantage of unpaid placements is that if you prove yourself well and the company likes you, you can be offered a paid job. Even if this does not happen, you will still acquire experience that you can then capitalise on somewhere else.
4. Do not wait for job offers to magically appear. Talk directly to companies.
Unless they are in a big hurry to get a new employee, many companies do not even announce their current job offers . Or they may only announce the vacancy in the "Careers" section of their webpage, but not publicly anywhere else. If you don’t ask, you don’t receive! If you are really interested in getting a job in a particular company you should ask them directly. Often it is a strategy used by hiring companies: they are interested in knowing whether graduates are independent enough to find their way to what they want.
5. Keep sending out your CV with a quality motivation letter
Searching for a job is just another type of job. A full-time job, if you are serious about it. So it is necessary to hit the Internet, browse through the new offers and keep up-to-date with industry news and updates about any companies where you would like to work. Send at least one quality CV accompanied by a motivation letter every day. Indeed, sending 40 to 100 CVs in a month is a lot of work. However, it is a proven way for graduates to increase their chances of getting a job.
Try several types of motivation letters and do not be afraid of risks. Some companies may be thrilled to see a long list of work experience, others may not want to plough through lengthy boastful texts and are more satisfied with simple sentences, such as: "I am interested in working for you. Please get in touch with me on the following phone number..."
TIP: Do you wish to present yourself in the best manner light? Learn from professionals, see how to write a CV