Assesment/Development center
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Finding a job after graduating from school is not easy. Here is some inspiration in the form of simple advice to make finding a job much easier.
1. Do you know what you want?
Are you absolutely clear that you no longer wish to study and want to start establishing your professional career? If yes, clarify which field you would like to work in. Even though it doesn’t seem likely, more and more people are working outside the field they studied in. Even a teacher can work as a sales agent, a lawyer can make an excellent PR person and an economist is quite capable of being employed in a marketing position.
2. Do you know what you can offer your employer?
As soon as you decide on the field you would like to start working in, it is important to consider what you can actually offer your future employer. This is a question nearly every personnel officer likes to ask during a job interview and you should not be surprised by this. Don’t be afraid to list your qualities – whether this concerns the ability to work in a team, accuracy, communication skills, manual skills, excellent language skills, technical skills, etc.
3. What do you expect from your employer?
During the job interview you will be expected to discuss not only what you can offer your employer, but also what your employer can offer you. So it is a good idea to conduct a small survey of the market so that you don’t make unrealistic requirements.
4. Cast around
Don’t underappreciate any method for seeking a job. Contact all the employers you would like working for with your application, monitor job servers advertising job vacancies, view the websites of recruitment agencies, visit job fairs and ask friends and acquaintances. The more job interviews you go to, the better. You will gain valuable experience by doing so.
5. Prepare a back-up plan
Are you having no luck finding a job? Try another alternative in the interim – take a language course or find an unpaid internship. Most important of all, don’t despair and remain passive.
6. Experience is more valuable than gold
A potential employer may consider even seemingly insignificant work experience relevant. So don’t be shy about mentioning summer holiday jobs when you were a student or voluntary work during your interview.
7. Education throughout your life
Successful graduation from school does not mean you know everything. Be aware that you still have potential and express interest in continuing your education and development during the interview. This may involve foreign languages, communication skills or even working with modern computer programs.
8. Pay attention to the impression you make
A good professional CV may be the foundation, but you also need to manage the next steps to make a good impression. Writing a proper application, introducing yourself correctly when making a telephone call, suitable behaviour and appearance during your interview are all key.
9. Importance of records
Because you will probably be in contact with many companies and people, it is a good idea to keep records about when you discussed what with whom. This means that you won’t be confused and will make a better impression when someone calls you.