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Your employer is obliged to give you the tape if you are working:
As an employee, you are obliged to pay taxes, social security contributions and health insurance. Income tax, social security and health insurance contributions are calculated on your salaries, as well as the bases for sick pay and holiday pay.
See a specific example of a pay slip with explanations of each item.
PAYSLIP (for you to download)
Although each payslip may look slightly different, it is usually structured similarly and contains similar information.
The following information is most often found at the beginning of a payslip:
You will also find information about your job title within the work sections and the type of employment relationship. This information will give you a quick overview of your work situation.
The main thing you can read from your payslip is information about your salary. Basic, gross and net pay - what do they actually mean?
Base pay: What's in your contract
The basic salary is the monthly base set out in the employment contract or salary assessment. It is the amount you negotiate at the interview and forms the stable basis of your salary structure.
Gross pay: Plus incentives
Your gross salary includes not only your basic salary but also incentive components such as bonuses, personal assessments, allowances or bonuses. This amount is not yet subject to social security, health insurance and income tax. In addition, it does not take into account possible tax benefits and bonuses, which means that the final amount in your account will be different from this gross salary.
Net pay: Your real pay
Net pay is the final amount that appears in your bank account. When calculating it, the tax advance less tax credits and social security and health insurance are deducted from your gross pay. Any deductions such as pension contributions or enforcement orders are also deducted. Conversely, tax credits are added to net pay. Net pay is therefore the actual remuneration for your work performance.
A paycheck isn't just about money. It helps you keep track not only of your salaries, but also of your remaining vacation time, taxes and insurance premiums. It serves as proof of work done and is essential when you retire. Understanding how to use the information on your payslip will allow you to plan your professional and personal life better.
You should receive your pay slip from your employer by the end of the month following the month for which your salaries are paid. The payslip, or payship, as it is often called, is not only a receipt for your salaries and deductions, but also an important document in calculating your pension.
Employers are required to provide employees with a pay slip each month. However, the way they do this is at their discretion. Nowadays, most employers are switching to sending payslips electronically.
Mistakes happen even in the digital age, so it's important to check your payslip. Do you have all working days counted, are you missing discounts and bonuses? Report any discrepancies to your payroll or HR department.
ČF - time pool, a predetermined number of hours to be worked by an employee in a month
DNP - the daily assessment base used to determine the amount of sick pay. The DNP, which you will find on your payslip, is used to calculate your salary replacement for the first 14 days of sick pay. Compensation for this period is 60% of the value of the DNP and is paid by the employer (for working days only). From the 15th day of incapacity for work, sickness benefits are further paid by the District Social Security Administration.
PPP - employment relationship
PPÚ - Hourly average, which is used to calculate compensation for holidays, public holidays and overtime
SP - social insurance
ŘD - Annual leave - annual leave, i.e. how much leave you are still entitled to in a given calendar year. From your payslip you can see how much unused holiday has been carried over from the previous year, how much you have already taken this year or how much holiday has been cut.
ZP - health insurance