Assesment/Development center
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Have you made up your mind regarding the job offer you are looking for? Applicants frequently react to positions for which they have not got even half of the necessary prerequisites, and subsequently are disappointed by an adverse response. Wake up to what you want, what are the odds of your success related to your experience, capabilities and knowledge, and start searching only after you have made this clear for yourselves. This article will advise you on how to do so.
In order to make your preferences clear, first answer a few questions: What am I willing to sacrifice for the job? Will I commute to work? Could I move? Do I take overtime into account? Do I wish to stay in my town or region because of family?
Once you have realized your expectations, start searching
TIP: Remember or write down details of where and what jobs offers you expressed interest in. It does not look professional if you do not remember this when a recruiter of the particular company calls you.
Pre-screening by the phone
Should it be the case that your CV has caught attention of recruiters, it is very likely that HR department of a company will contact you by the phone. Recruiters take advantage of pre-screening by the phone to check your verbal and language skills and find out more about your actual enthusiasm for the job. Pay heed to this phone call and do not rob yourself of the opportunity to be invited to an interview.
If it happens that the recruiter catches you at work or at a busy place, and it is hardly possible for you to talk to them, do not be afraid to ask for an alternative time for the phone call. The whole thing is about you making a good first impression, understanding everything you may be told, and being able to ask questions.
Have you found the ideal job offer, your CV is attractive and you have been invited to a personal interview? Now it is a good time not to slack off in your efforts to succeed and to perfectly prepare for the interview.